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Inria | Raweb 2014 | Exploratory Action
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Section: New Software and Platforms

The Plasma Statistical Model Checker

Participants : Axel Legay [Coordinator] , Sean Sedwards, Benoît Boyer, Louis-Marie Traonouez, Kevin Corre.


Statistical model checking (SMC) is a fast emerging technology for industrial scale verification and optimisation problems. In recognition of this, our group is developing a Platform for Learning and Advanced Statistical Model checking Algorithms: Plasma .

Plasma (see ) was conceived to have high performance and be extensible, using a proprietary virtual machine [48] . Since SMC requires only an executable semantics and is not constrained by decidability, we can easily implement different modelling languages and logics. Our involvement in the DANSE ( ) and DALi ( ) European projects has also made us aware of the need to provide efficient verification for externally implemented simulators. We thus devised Plasma -lab, a modular SMC library that allows external users to tightly integrate their own code with our efficient SMC algorithms and integrated development environment [47] . Plasma -lab has now been successfully integrated with DESYRE ( ), Scilab ( ) and MATLAB ( ).

The Plasma -lab architecture is now the basis of our free-standing tool, ( ) which includes all the modelling languages, logics and algorithms developed by our group. In particular, we have recently developed cutting edge algorithms for rare events [50] , [49] , [26] , nondeterminism [28] , [34] , [37] and learning [14] , [41] .